All our products are Made to Order, except those listed in the ''Ready to ship' section, scarves, and waffle towels. It means that we start making items only after you place an order for them.
When an order is placed online, it automatically enters the queue based on when it was received, and then it is processed by our team. From here, it is first handed to our cutting department, which groups all that day's orders by color and starts cutting the items according to the pattern and any additional customization preferences provided by the customer. We still use paper patterns as they are the best to mark all customizations and required changes. And though we often can hear that automation is set to become the single biggest player in the workforce of the future and are constantly threatened that fashion robots will be unconquered while mimicking nimble human hands, we are still confident in making thousands of adjustments by hand.
The garment is then passed to the dressmakers, who make each garment from start to finish, including any final touches, such as buttons, zippers, or other fastenings. Then all the finished items are washed to prevent linen garments from future shrinkage. Before passing the garment to the packaging department, the garment is ironed and goes through a quality control process to ensure that it meets the customer's specifications and is free from any defects. After that, the garment is carefully packed and shipped to the customer.

It might sound too complicated and time-consuming if you are new to slow fashion. In a world where fast fashion can offer you the next day delivery, the thought of deliberately waiting a month or two for your garment to arrive might be challenging. But do you know that fast fashion is a relatively recent phenomenon, and before the Industrial revolution, clothes were made at home or in small workshops on the Made to Order model? Sadly, new trends made our world splurge on far more clothing than it needs.
When we were just starting our brand, we raised many questions, but the most important was “is this really how we want to participate in fashion business just because this is how everyone else is running their businesses?”. We are happy that we were not afraid to adopt Made to Order fashion model because it is a huge manufacturing tool to reduce garment waste. If we want to reduce garment waste, we simply need to make less clothing, right? When a stock of goods lies unsold, there is a wastage not only of the materials used to make them but also of the money and labor put into producing them.
Nevertheless, working on Made to Order model, we are able to offer a greater variety of fabric colors. In fact, Made to Order manufacturing model enables us to provide our customers with the product exactly the way they want!
We hear people sharing their experiences of how they are walking through yet another clothing store in the mall and not finding a thing to buy. People have this shopping struggle because our bodies come in all different shapes. The bodies, the ones we see in the mirror, are essentially natural masterpieces! Finding the right outfit is much more complicated than just finding the right size printed on a tag. Some of us are curvier, some have narrow hips or broad shoulders, and others have long torsos and short legs, but we are all real people with our real needs. Made to Order manufacturing model is the winner in such cases as it enables us to consider your individual body shape and size, resulting in a flattering and comfortable fit.
The Made to Order model also allows our customers to create unique items that reflect their style and needs. For example, we add buttons to the garments to make a breastfeeding-friendly item, add ties to accentuate the waist, make changes to necklines to accommodate special preferences, and many more.
Overall, Made to Order model can offer a range of benefits, from improved fit and comfort to unique style and sustainability.