Day by day, we are surrounded by "perfect" people with "perfect" lives who worship artificial perfection. We are used to beauty filters, which make people look more attractive, Pinterest-worthy home photos, and fake lifestyles so much that to find beauty and peace in the simplest things is almost impossible.
We forgot the aesthetic appreciation of nature and all things natural. We tend to pass lowly saturated carrots in the supermarket as they seem less attractive, over-clean our houses with dangerous trendy chemicals, and worship brands that are always in a run for innovative solutions.
We lost the connection with nature by ignoring that nature is the source of truth. For example, organic carrots don't look picture-perfect because they didn't receive artificial aid, and linen garments do wrinkle because it is the natural givenness of nature. Nature presents everything in a way everything actually is.
Wrinkle-free linen doesn't exist as this was part of mother natures plan. The qualities that make linen appealing in warm weather are exactly the same qualities that make it wrinkled. So what about stopping going against nature's law?
Your carefully ironed garment will definitely show its face after some wear, and while you might look crispy and polished while leaving your home, you will look wrinkled after you reach your office. Likewise, your linen trousers will look crumbled at the top of the thigh just after you get out of your chair, and your rolled-up sleeves will leave the marks immediately.
Linen garments have a completely unique appearance and possess a beauty of their own. The beauty of linen was and always will be because it is not perfect.